Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Countdown has begun

Well it is a little more than a week before I leave for a 10 day trip to Istanbul, Turkey. I have the wonderful opportunity of taking this trip for a post graduate reunion from a school that I attended in Switzerland. The host is Turkish hence the location being in his home town and it looks like about 90 people will be attending either along or with a significant other or friend. Myself? I will be attending with my oldest brother. My husband had already scheduled and put deposits on the two vacation times that he could have used to accompany me so he is not able to attend. 

The funny thing about all of this is every time someone learns about the trip they exclaim as to how excited I must be!  Honestly, I am not. Now why would I feel like this? I want to move past this moment where I am not excited so that I can get excited.

Possible reasons:

- Husband is not going. This is a big part of my hesitation I believe. I am so used to being with him and sharing experiences. Plus he is my "travel man" who maps out all types of itineraries and activities; figures out what any rules or customs are; and is just a wonderful comfort.  I don't mean to sound disgusting but even after 20 years of marriage we still hate to be apart! 

-The long flight.  I am not 18 anymore. 10 continuous hours on a plane in coach just sounds like a dreadful experience.  Plus it seems that since I am on hormone replacement therapy that I am more at risk for a blood clot forming. Now what in the hell would HRT have to do with that?  So I am going to have to make sure that I get up and move on the plane at least every hour; rotate my ankles; and try to keep my feet up.  Yeah...that is going to be a lot of fun.

-Shots and food.  We had to receive several shots for the trip. I had to do that once before when I went to Africa. So the shots I was okay with except for they gave them to me all at once. Way to load up the work on the liver.  I had to have Hep A & B; tetanus; typhoid; and MMR. This might not have been so bad except they gave me all sorts of literature about how basically I will only be drinking bottled water (which I am also to brush my teeth with), coffee, or alcoholic beverages, and eating well, nothing.  "Don't use the ice cubes."  We basically have to fear that everything that we are exposed to that could have been washed with not properly filtered water or not cooked enough will make us so ill that they want you to carry antibiotics with you!  Wow...sounds like a fun trip to me! 

I will try to keep up with this blog over the next week and continue to examine all the possible reasons for my trepidation.  This is the hope that I will move past them and truly enjoy the experience. 

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